Freda Bedi's biography was launched in Bangalore on Saturday evening - and you can see me here with Ranga Bedi, Freda and BPL's first child. Ranga and his wife Umi were the generous hosts of the launch event, held at the G-Gallery off Lavelle Road. It was a wonderful evening, well attended and very sociable. Many thanks to all who attended. And a big shout out for Seher Bedi, Freda's grand-daughter, whose photos I have posted here. Here's Umi and Ranga at the launch - the family has a wonderful archive of papers, letters, photos and recordings which they very kindly made available to me as I worked on Freda's life story. Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, the head of Biocon, and her husband John Shaw were among those attending the launch. The novelist Sadiqa Peerbhoy - below with her husband Bunty Peerbhoy - was the moderator of the event.
Ahead of the publication next month of The Lives of Freda, the excellent Srinagar-based daily Rising Kashmir has published a piece by me about Freda Bedi's role in the Kashmiri resistance in the mid-1940s and then in support of the radical administration that took power locally at the close of 1947. This photo comes from about 1948, when Freda Bedi was a member of a left-wing women's militia in Kashmir, the women's Self-Defence Corps. She is with her two sons - Kabir is in her arms while Ranga is astride Rufus, the family's Great Dane. |
The Lives of Freda- a blog about my biography of Freda Bedi Archives
September 2021